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Solutions to improve access, reduce wait times and lower costs of healthcare delivery to disadvantaged communities.

The global health care industry continues to evolve, thanks to new policies, societal shifts and big technological advances. In the Caribbean, over the past several decades, thanks to improved diagnostic and therapeutic options, healthcare has experienced significant developments resulting in improved life expectancies and quality of life. However, with growth in demand for services, driven by an ageing population and the rapidly increasing prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases, regional healthcare systems and by extension state-run institutions face unprecedented challenges trying to respond. The need to improve quality, reduce harm, improve access, increase efficiency, eliminate waste, and lower costs, has highlighted the ardent need for innovation in regional healthcare. Afflicted by changing socioeconomic forces and now a crippling pandemic, the present system of “doing our best” is not enough, we need innovation in the traditional encounter-based care delivery model. How can we respond? Now that our healthcare systems are on the brink, how can we use today's crisis to create tomorrow’s health care system? How can we bring together personal services and modern technology to get Caribbean citizens the healthcare products and supplies they need, supported by health insurance and delivered right to their homes?

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